Remap left and right Alt keys seperately

4 votes

Many non-US based keyboards have the AltGr (Alt Graph) key to the right of the spacebar instead of the typical standard Alt key. This key is primarily used as a modifier to type foreign symbols, such as currency symbols and accented letters.
Even when using a US-based keyboard, if you switch to an International Keyboard layout in Windows keyboard settings, the right Alt key is still replaced with the AltGr key in function.

When using Glorious Core software, you can only remap the left Alt key, labeled as just Alt in the Single Key Category. It would be helpful for some international users if we had to ability to remap the left and right Alt keys separately so that we can effectively remap the AltGr key.


Under consideration CORE Keyboard Suggested by: David Upvoted: 17 Dec, '23 Comments: 0

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